Jumat, 17 Januari 2014

contoh memo bahasa indonesia dan bahasa inggris

Contoh memo bahasa indonesia dan bahasa inggris

Seperti halnya membuat surat yang lain yang memiliki format atau tatanan dalam pembuatanya. Contoh memo akan memaparkan kepada anda tentang format pembuatannya. Jadi anda tinggal mengamati dengan baik apa yang akan saya tulis dalam artikel ini. Saya pastikan anda tidak akan menemui kesulitan dalam metode pembuatannya. Cukup singkat dan mudah untuk dibuat dibandingkan dengan surat yang lain namun isi dan maksudnya sangat jelas sehingga mudah di pahami.
Contoh memo yang baik dan benar akan terwujud jika anda mengikuti apa yang saya berikan pada anda. Saya juga menyertakan contoh dalam bahasa inggris agar bisa melengkapi pencarian anda untuk hasil yang baik saya rekomendasikan anda menggunakan translate yang bagus jika menggunakan bahasa asing. Karena jika anda salah dalam melakukan penyusunan kata bisa dipastikan orang atau pihak yang menerima memo pasti akan bingung terhadap maksud dan tujuan anda.

contoh memo untuk anda

contoh memo

SMA Cipta Kusuma
Jalan Mergo Joyo Indah No 22

Kepada : Seluruh Guru Bahasa Indonesia

Untuk memenangkan lomba pidato bahasa Indonesia tingkat nasional bulan nanti, harap bapak / ibu guru hendaknya melakukan kerja sama membantu siswa yang akan mengikuti lomba pidato tersebut.

Surabaya, 1 Februari 2013

Kepala Sekolah

(Tanda Tangan)
Supriatno MM

To : Aditiya muncus
From : Ir rajiman suparto
Date : June 11st, 2011
Subject : Additional Class of Psycholinguistics
In Saturday morning exactly at 9.30 A.M., we will hold an additional class for a psycholinguistics because your material in preparing for the final examination is not fulfilled enough. Tell your friend and enjoy my class.
Contoh Memo Bahasa Inggris merupakan pesan ringkas, yakni pesan yang ditulis seseorang dengan singkat, jelas, dan mudah untuk dipahami. Menurut pemakaiannya, Contoh Memo Bahasa Inggris ada yang bersifat resmi dan bersifat pribadi (tidak resmi).
Memo bersifat resmi dipakai sebagai surat pernyataan dalam hubungan resmi dari seorang pimpinan kepada bawahannya. Memo bersifat pribadi dipakai sebagai nota atau surat pernyataan tidak resmi antar teman, saudara, atau orang lain yang memiliki hubungan akrab.
Berikut ini Contoh Memo Bahasa Inggris :

To          : Dimas Jayadiningrat
From      : Henry Dimeja
                Public relation Manager
Subject   : Press Conference of the Concert
Date       : April 11st, 2006
Please attend the press conference at Plaza Indonesia on Thursday, April 13th, 2006 at 11 a.m. on behalf of the choreographer team Cover everything you need for the conference by yourself
For (Mr/Ms)    : Ms.Linda
From (Mr/Ms) : Ms.Dinda, Managr of PT.Aquarius, Supplier of Mineral Water
Message          :
Subject            : Ms.Dina ask Ms.Linda to call her as soon as possible, to discuss our joining to supplier 
                         mineral water
(Phone number : 085652137138)
Date                 : Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Taken by          : Mr.Wahyudi

To                 :  Putri Anggiani
From            : Anton Bagaswara
                        public relation Manager
Subject        :  Press Conference of the Concert
Date             :  Mey 11st, 2010

                     Please attend the preps conference at plaza Indonesia on Thursday, mey 14st. 2010 at 11 a.m. On behalf of the choreographer team. Cover everything you need for the conference by yourself.



To                 : Mrs.Marie Muhammad
From            : Musdalifah
Date             : 02 November 2011
Subject        : Reunion SDN 258 TEDDAOPU
Massage      :
Ms.Musdalifah ask Mrs.Marie to attend the student’s reunion of SDN 258 TEDDAOPU in Johan building on 16 November 2011



To             : Dought Tumsfeld
From       : Donald Tumsfeld
Subject   : Issues w/ Various Countries

                We need coercive diplomacy with respect to Syria and Libya, and we it fast  if they mess Iraq, it will delay bringing our troops home.
We also need to solve the Pakistan problem, and Korea doesn’t seem to be going well.
Are you coming up with proposals for me to send around.


Donald Tumsfeld



Dear Mira
            I am sorry I have to tell you that I can’t come to your house to work on our project as we have planned before. Unex pected thing happens. My grandma must be hospitalized soon. I’ll tell you about our plan later




Dear Dewi
            Nia got an accident today on her way to Rika’s house. Now she is hospitalized at Rumah Sakit Umum.
What if we visit her today?




Dear Mom

Mom, I borrowed your clutch bag. The one with black suede colour and two side pockets. I need it for Bima’s birthday  party tonight.

Thank you so much!



Dear Boby

Boby, our plan to have a picnic today is postponed by Mrs. Sendy because of the heavy rain. She’s just informed me the picnic will be done tomorrow.




Dear Evi
Good morning, Evi. How are you?
How is the work coming along?
Do you think you still need my advice?
If so, please meet me tomorrow at 4 p.m.
I can’t meet you today as we planned.
I have to go to see a doctor. Sorry. Bye.



Dear Sofia
Sorry, I can’t come to your house this afternoon. I’ve got a meeting for the youth group in my village.
I’call you tonight
No.                          :   17/PEM/SM/XII/01
                                        December 27, 2001
To                            :   Mahesa Jenar
From                       :   Sales Manager
Subject                    :   Assignment
Copy to                    :   Finance Manager, Personnel Manager

With due respect,

In efforts to achieve the sales target in 2002, we hereby assign you to do the exhibition of products - products Makmur PT Success in the city of Surabaya, Semarang, Yogyakarta and Bandung, with the following schedule:

Surabaya: 15 - January 20, 2002
Semarang: 22 - January 24, 2002
Yogyakarta: 25 - January 27, 2002
Bandung: January 29 - February 3, 2002

In carrying out the tasks you are required to coordinate with representatives of PT Makmur Success in the local town.

You must provide a report no later than two weeks after the completion of the exhibition. So please be implemented as well as possible.


Utari Saraswati

Sales Manager
US / ch
Jl. Wahid Hashim 71 Central Jakarta, Tel. 2310345, 2310346; Fax. 2310333
- See more at: http://www.sriyuni.com/2012/08/kumpulan-memo-berbahasa-inggris.html#sthash.TTn73kje.dpuf
Contoh Memo Bahasa Inggris merupakan pesan ringkas, yakni pesan yang ditulis seseorang dengan singkat, jelas, dan mudah untuk dipahami. Menurut pemakaiannya, Contoh Memo Bahasa Inggris ada yang bersifat resmi dan bersifat pribadi (tidak resmi).
Memo bersifat resmi dipakai sebagai surat pernyataan dalam hubungan resmi dari seorang pimpinan kepada bawahannya. Memo bersifat pribadi dipakai sebagai nota atau surat pernyataan tidak resmi antar teman, saudara, atau orang lain yang memiliki hubungan akrab.
Berikut ini Contoh Memo Bahasa Inggris :

To          : Dimas Jayadiningrat
From      : Henry Dimeja
                Public relation Manager
Subject   : Press Conference of the Concert
Date       : April 11st, 2006
Please attend the press conference at Plaza Indonesia on Thursday, April 13th, 2006 at 11 a.m. on behalf of the choreographer team Cover everything you need for the conference by yourself
For (Mr/Ms)    : Ms.Linda
From (Mr/Ms) : Ms.Dinda, Managr of PT.Aquarius, Supplier of Mineral Water
Message          :
Subject            : Ms.Dina ask Ms.Linda to call her as soon as possible, to discuss our joining to supplier 
                         mineral water
(Phone number : 085652137138)
Date                 : Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Taken by          : Mr.Wahyudi

To                 :  Putri Anggiani
From            : Anton Bagaswara
                        public relation Manager
Subject        :  Press Conference of the Concert
Date             :  Mey 11st, 2010

                     Please attend the preps conference at plaza Indonesia on Thursday, mey 14st. 2010 at 11 a.m. On behalf of the choreographer team. Cover everything you need for the conference by yourself.



To                 : Mrs.Marie Muhammad
From            : Musdalifah
Date             : 02 November 2011
Subject        : Reunion SDN 258 TEDDAOPU
Massage      :
Ms.Musdalifah ask Mrs.Marie to attend the student’s reunion of SDN 258 TEDDAOPU in Johan building on 16 November 2011



To             : Dought Tumsfeld
From       : Donald Tumsfeld
Subject   : Issues w/ Various Countries

                We need coercive diplomacy with respect to Syria and Libya, and we it fast  if they mess Iraq, it will delay bringing our troops home.
We also need to solve the Pakistan problem, and Korea doesn’t seem to be going well.
Are you coming up with proposals for me to send around.


Donald Tumsfeld



Dear Mira
            I am sorry I have to tell you that I can’t come to your house to work on our project as we have planned before. Unex pected thing happens. My grandma must be hospitalized soon. I’ll tell you about our plan later




Dear Dewi
            Nia got an accident today on her way to Rika’s house. Now she is hospitalized at Rumah Sakit Umum.
What if we visit her today?




Dear Mom

Mom, I borrowed your clutch bag. The one with black suede colour and two side pockets. I need it for Bima’s birthday  party tonight.

Thank you so much!



Dear Boby

Boby, our plan to have a picnic today is postponed by Mrs. Sendy because of the heavy rain. She’s just informed me the picnic will be done tomorrow.




Dear Evi
Good morning, Evi. How are you?
How is the work coming along?
Do you think you still need my advice?
If so, please meet me tomorrow at 4 p.m.
I can’t meet you today as we planned.
I have to go to see a doctor. Sorry. Bye.



Dear Sofia
Sorry, I can’t come to your house this afternoon. I’ve got a meeting for the youth group in my village.
I’call you tonight
No.                          :   17/PEM/SM/XII/01
                                        December 27, 2001
To                            :   Mahesa Jenar
From                       :   Sales Manager
Subject                    :   Assignment
Copy to                    :   Finance Manager, Personnel Manager

With due respect,

In efforts to achieve the sales target in 2002, we hereby assign you to do the exhibition of products - products Makmur PT Success in the city of Surabaya, Semarang, Yogyakarta and Bandung, with the following schedule:

Surabaya: 15 - January 20, 2002
Semarang: 22 - January 24, 2002
Yogyakarta: 25 - January 27, 2002
Bandung: January 29 - February 3, 2002

In carrying out the tasks you are required to coordinate with representatives of PT Makmur Success in the local town.

You must provide a report no later than two weeks after the completion of the exhibition. So please be implemented as well as possible.


Utari Saraswati

Sales Manager
US / ch
Jl. Wahid Hashim 71 Central Jakarta, Tel. 2310345, 2310346; Fax. 2310333
- See more at: http://www.sriyuni.com/2012/08/kumpulan-memo-berbahasa-inggris.html#sthash.TTn73kje.dpuf
Contoh Memo Bahasa Inggris merupakan pesan ringkas, yakni pesan yang ditulis seseorang dengan singkat, jelas, dan mudah untuk dipahami. Menurut pemakaiannya, Contoh Memo Bahasa Inggris ada yang bersifat resmi dan bersifat pribadi (tidak resmi).
Memo bersifat resmi dipakai sebagai surat pernyataan dalam hubungan resmi dari seorang pimpinan kepada bawahannya. Memo bersifat pribadi dipakai sebagai nota atau surat pernyataan tidak resmi antar teman, saudara, atau orang lain yang memiliki hubungan akrab.
Berikut ini Contoh Memo Bahasa Inggris :

To          : Dimas Jayadiningrat
From      : Henry Dimeja
                Public relation Manager
Subject   : Press Conference of the Concert
Date       : April 11st, 2006
Please attend the press conference at Plaza Indonesia on Thursday, April 13th, 2006 at 11 a.m. on behalf of the choreographer team Cover everything you need for the conference by yourself
For (Mr/Ms)    : Ms.Linda
From (Mr/Ms) : Ms.Dinda, Managr of PT.Aquarius, Supplier of Mineral Water
Message          :
Subject            : Ms.Dina ask Ms.Linda to call her as soon as possible, to discuss our joining to supplier 
                         mineral water
(Phone number : 085652137138)
Date                 : Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Taken by          : Mr.Wahyudi

To                 :  Putri Anggiani
From            : Anton Bagaswara
                        public relation Manager
Subject        :  Press Conference of the Concert
Date             :  Mey 11st, 2010

                     Please attend the preps conference at plaza Indonesia on Thursday, mey 14st. 2010 at 11 a.m. On behalf of the choreographer team. Cover everything you need for the conference by yourself.



To                 : Mrs.Marie Muhammad
From            : Musdalifah
Date             : 02 November 2011
Subject        : Reunion SDN 258 TEDDAOPU
Massage      :
Ms.Musdalifah ask Mrs.Marie to attend the student’s reunion of SDN 258 TEDDAOPU in Johan building on 16 November 2011



To             : Dought Tumsfeld
From       : Donald Tumsfeld
Subject   : Issues w/ Various Countries

                We need coercive diplomacy with respect to Syria and Libya, and we it fast  if they mess Iraq, it will delay bringing our troops home.
We also need to solve the Pakistan problem, and Korea doesn’t seem to be going well.
Are you coming up with proposals for me to send around.


Donald Tumsfeld



Dear Mira
            I am sorry I have to tell you that I can’t come to your house to work on our project as we have planned before. Unex pected thing happens. My grandma must be hospitalized soon. I’ll tell you about our plan later




Dear Dewi
            Nia got an accident today on her way to Rika’s house. Now she is hospitalized at Rumah Sakit Umum.
What if we visit her today?




Dear Mom

Mom, I borrowed your clutch bag. The one with black suede colour and two side pockets. I need it for Bima’s birthday  party tonight.

Thank you so much!



Dear Boby

Boby, our plan to have a picnic today is postponed by Mrs. Sendy because of the heavy rain. She’s just informed me the picnic will be done tomorrow.




Dear Evi
Good morning, Evi. How are you?
How is the work coming along?
Do you think you still need my advice?
If so, please meet me tomorrow at 4 p.m.
I can’t meet you today as we planned.
I have to go to see a doctor. Sorry. Bye.



Dear Sofia
Sorry, I can’t come to your house this afternoon. I’ve got a meeting for the youth group in my village.
I’call you tonight
No.                          :   17/PEM/SM/XII/01
                                        December 27, 2001
To                            :   Mahesa Jenar
From                       :   Sales Manager
Subject                    :   Assignment
Copy to                    :   Finance Manager, Personnel Manager

With due respect,

In efforts to achieve the sales target in 2002, we hereby assign you to do the exhibition of products - products Makmur PT Success in the city of Surabaya, Semarang, Yogyakarta and Bandung, with the following schedule:

Surabaya: 15 - January 20, 2002
Semarang: 22 - January 24, 2002
Yogyakarta: 25 - January 27, 2002
Bandung: January 29 - February 3, 2002

In carrying out the tasks you are required to coordinate with representatives of PT Makmur Success in the local town.

You must provide a report no later than two weeks after the completion of the exhibition. So please be implemented as well as possible.


Utari Saraswati

Sales Manager
US / ch
Jl. Wahid Hashim 71 Central Jakarta, Tel. 2310345, 2310346; Fax. 2310333
- See more at: http://www.sriyuni.com/2012/08/kumpulan-memo-berbahasa-inggris.html#sthash.TTn73kje.dpuf
Contoh Memo Bahasa Inggris merupakan pesan ringkas, yakni pesan yang ditulis seseorang dengan singkat, jelas, dan mudah untuk dipahami. Menurut pemakaiannya, Contoh Memo Bahasa Inggris ada yang bersifat resmi dan bersifat pribadi (tidak resmi).
Memo bersifat resmi dipakai sebagai surat pernyataan dalam hubungan resmi dari seorang pimpinan kepada bawahannya. Memo bersifat pribadi dipakai sebagai nota atau surat pernyataan tidak resmi antar teman, saudara, atau orang lain yang memiliki hubungan akrab.
Berikut ini Contoh Memo Bahasa Inggris :

To          : Dimas Jayadiningrat
From      : Henry Dimeja
                Public relation Manager
Subject   : Press Conference of the Concert
Date       : April 11st, 2006
Please attend the press conference at Plaza Indonesia on Thursday, April 13th, 2006 at 11 a.m. on behalf of the choreographer team Cover everything you need for the conference by yourself
For (Mr/Ms)    : Ms.Linda
From (Mr/Ms) : Ms.Dinda, Managr of PT.Aquarius, Supplier of Mineral Water
Message          :
Subject            : Ms.Dina ask Ms.Linda to call her as soon as possible, to discuss our joining to supplier 
                         mineral water
(Phone number : 085652137138)
Date                 : Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Taken by          : Mr.Wahyudi

To                 :  Putri Anggiani
From            : Anton Bagaswara
                        public relation Manager
Subject        :  Press Conference of the Concert
Date             :  Mey 11st, 2010

                     Please attend the preps conference at plaza Indonesia on Thursday, mey 14st. 2010 at 11 a.m. On behalf of the choreographer team. Cover everything you need for the conference by yourself.



To                 : Mrs.Marie Muhammad
From            : Musdalifah
Date             : 02 November 2011
Subject        : Reunion SDN 258 TEDDAOPU
Massage      :
Ms.Musdalifah ask Mrs.Marie to attend the student’s reunion of SDN 258 TEDDAOPU in Johan building on 16 November 2011



To             : Dought Tumsfeld
From       : Donald Tumsfeld
Subject   : Issues w/ Various Countries

                We need coercive diplomacy with respect to Syria and Libya, and we it fast  if they mess Iraq, it will delay bringing our troops home.
We also need to solve the Pakistan problem, and Korea doesn’t seem to be going well.
Are you coming up with proposals for me to send around.


Donald Tumsfeld



Dear Mira
            I am sorry I have to tell you that I can’t come to your house to work on our project as we have planned before. Unex pected thing happens. My grandma must be hospitalized soon. I’ll tell you about our plan later




Dear Dewi
            Nia got an accident today on her way to Rika’s house. Now she is hospitalized at Rumah Sakit Umum.
What if we visit her today?




Dear Mom

Mom, I borrowed your clutch bag. The one with black suede colour and two side pockets. I need it for Bima’s birthday  party tonight.

Thank you so much!



Dear Boby

Boby, our plan to have a picnic today is postponed by Mrs. Sendy because of the heavy rain. She’s just informed me the picnic will be done tomorrow.




Dear Evi
Good morning, Evi. How are you?
How is the work coming along?
Do you think you still need my advice?
If so, please meet me tomorrow at 4 p.m.
I can’t meet you today as we planned.
I have to go to see a doctor. Sorry. Bye.



Dear Sofia
Sorry, I can’t come to your house this afternoon. I’ve got a meeting for the youth group in my village.
I’call you tonight
No.                          :   17/PEM/SM/XII/01
                                        December 27, 2001
To                            :   Mahesa Jenar
From                       :   Sales Manager
Subject                    :   Assignment
Copy to                    :   Finance Manager, Personnel Manager

With due respect,

In efforts to achieve the sales target in 2002, we hereby assign you to do the exhibition of products - products Makmur PT Success in the city of Surabaya, Semarang, Yogyakarta and Bandung, with the following schedule:

Surabaya: 15 - January 20, 2002
Semarang: 22 - January 24, 2002
Yogyakarta: 25 - January 27, 2002
Bandung: January 29 - February 3, 2002

In carrying out the tasks you are required to coordinate with representatives of PT Makmur Success in the local town.

You must provide a report no later than two weeks after the completion of the exhibition. So please be implemented as well as possible.


Utari Saraswati

Sales Manager
US / ch
Jl. Wahid Hashim 71 Central Jakarta, Tel. 2310345, 2310346; Fax. 2310333
- See more at: http://www.sriyuni.com/2012/08/kumpulan-memo-berbahasa-inggris.html#sthash.TTn73kje.dpuf

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